Gene Glotzer

Trump and Comedy

The past four years have been pretty bad from almost any way you look at them. The world is less stable and secure than it has been since the eighties, at least. Racism and sexism and xenophobia and religious intolerance are all worse than they were four years ago. America is running concentration camps and…

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Philosophy Phridays – Philosophy of Humor

Philosophy Phridays is a series where each Friday, I go to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, click on “random entry,” and then write about whatever comes up. This week’s random entry is Philosophy of Humor. Finally, one of these random entries is on a topic I’m legitimately interested in. I’ve actually read a good chunk of…

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The Debate About Voting Has Gotten Really Weird

The Democratic nomination of Joe Biden is basically settled. Realistically, it has been since the beginning of March. But many states, including my own, still have primaries upcoming. In some cases, there are still primary races for non-presidential contests. For most of us in these states, though, we have been disenfranchised from the primary process….

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When the whole coronavirus lock down started, I thought I would get a lot of writing done. It’s kind of the perfect conditions. I can’t go anywhere or do much of anything. I’m by myself most of the time. Instead I’ve found myself with a severe case of writer’s block. I can’t even get started….

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