Gene Glotzer

Vote – It’s Really Important

We are a week away from election day. Typically, odd-year elections get extremely poor turnout at the polls. That’s always bothered me. People are always saying that they wish they could make a difference (or the related statement that they are disappointed that they can’t make a difference). Realistically, odd-year elections are the time when…

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Greek Pizza

Connecticut has the best pizza in the world. That’s just a simple fact. It might upset a bunch of New Yorkers, Chicagoans, and maybe some Italians, but it’s true (California pizza doesn’t even deserve to be called pizza). New Haven style pizza (or apizza as it’s locally known) is famous, and deservedly so. It’s wonderful….

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A couple of days ago, Nancy Pelosi announced that the House of Representatives would begin formal impeachment hearings against President Trump. The left is over the moon about it. They’ve been calling for impeachment for months. The right thinks it’s just more harassment that’s interfering with the good job the president is doing. Setting aside…

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