Gene Glotzer


I first became aware of libertarianism more than twenty years ago when I was in high school.  A few years later, at college, I met my first libertarians.  Rand Paul’s announcement that he will be seeking the Presidency of the United States got me thinking about it again.  I’m not going to talk about Rand…

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Opening Day

Today is opening day of the 2015 Major League Baseball season.  I know there was a game last night, but today is the real opening day.  It’s one of my favorite days of the year.  Baseball is back and that makes everything better.  There are so many things to like about opening day, that it’s…

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I am from a mixed family.  We range from devout Roman Catholics to more-Jewish-than-you-probably-think-of-when-you-think-of-Jewish.  I am neither, but it has given me a different perspective on the different traditions.  This is the week when my family’s different worlds collide.  The biggest holiday of the Christian tradition coincides with one of the big three of the…

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I don’t use curse words.  Of all of my behavioral quirks, that is probably the most noticeable.  It isn’t an affectation.  I am not prudish about it or offended when others use them.  I just don’t.  I have one friend that has been trying to get me to swear for almost 20 years now.  She…

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Paid Sick Leave

I was sick this week.  A non-serious, but icky, kind of sick.  I won’t go into the details here.  But, I stayed home from work for a couple of days.  I believe very strongly in not infecting others when I’m sick.  I don’t send my kid to school when she’s sick either, even if it…

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I hate anger.  Of all the emotions, it’s my least favorite.  I’d rather feel sad or guilty than angry.  Of course, as a human being, I do feel angry from time to time, but I’m not prone to it.  I think most people who know me know that I’m calm most of the time.  That…

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Today, as I do most everyday, I was scrolling through 3 Quarks Daily.  In case you don’t know, it’s an excellent site.  Once a week, on Monday, they have a collection of original essays.  The rest of the week, they are a high quality aggregator.  Instead of the usual headlines, they tend to feature longer works dealing with…

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Blurry Lines

A couple years ago, I discovered that Kirk Cameron’s father in “Growing Pains” had a kid who had a hit song.  I’ve never heard the song, but I read an article about the fact that he was pre-emptively suing Marvin Gaye’s estate so that the courts would certify that he had not stolen one of…

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