Gene Glotzer

Why Does Exile on Main Street Best Epitomize Rock and Roll?

I was asked the question, “Why does the album Exile on Main Street best epitomize rock and roll?” My first instinct was to question the question. Does it best epitomize rock and roll? The only way to know is to figure out what rock and roll is. Once we know that, we can analyze Exile…

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Losing a Parent

There are many books designed to give advice about how to deal with the loss of a parent. Unfortunately, the odds of a book helping are rather slim. Luckily, I haven’t had to deal with it myself. But as a person who has parents and is a parent, I’ve learned one thing. Even though relationships…

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A Pyramid Scheme, Juice Fasts, and D.I.Y. Electrical Engineering

“I don’t want to go to jail.” “You’re not going to go to jail.  It’s totally legit.” Kerri shrugged.  “It sounds like a pyramid scheme to me.” “It’s not a pyramid scheme,” said Erik. “What’s a pyramid scheme?” asked Jen. “It’s when you recruit people to join something for a fee, and that fee keeps…

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My Book

I wrote a book. It was written for a friend with breast cancer and the proceeds are going to benefit breast cancer research. It’s available at Amazon here and I wrote a little something about it here.  Hopefully, you’ll check it out and we can help some people.

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