Jamil Ragland

Academic Language and Barriers

I work at a college where I manage the school’s curriculum. As part of my job, I have to review and correct spelling errors in course descriptions, which led me to come across a few courses which completely baffled me. The first course description reads: In this course, we will engage in intensive embodied research…

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I Didn’t Vote for Trump, but I’m a Trump voter.

It’s so easy to denounce Trump supporters as rabid racists and misogynists. Yet more Hispanic voters cast ballots for Donald Trump than Mitt Romney, despite his anti-Mexican rhetoric. More white women voted for Trump than Hillary Clinton, despite his “Grab them by the pussy” comment. On the left, we continue to ask why. Why are these…

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Use the Electoral College to Stop Donald Trump

Donald Trump was elected as the next president of the United States three days ago. In the days since, we’ve heard the call from political leaders of all stripes to respect our country’s traditions, especially the peaceful transfer of political power. In her remarkable concession speech, Hillary Clinton said, “Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful…

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Parents Just Don’t Understand: Thoughts on Adventure Time’s “Evergreen”

I’d been patiently waiting for new episodes of Adventure Time on Hulu for months. My brother told me that season 6 ended on a fascinating note, and I couldn’t wait until I got to see where Finn and Jake’s adventures would take them. I was stopped in my tracks by the episode “Evergreen,” which is…

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