Jamil Ragland

Fiction Friday: “The Saiyans Arrive, Part 1”

Welcome to a new feature of Nutmegger Daily, Fiction Friday! Each week we’re going to try and post a work of fiction to compliment our typical nonfiction writing. We hope you enjoy the stories that we post here! TODAY’S STORY I started my writing career with Dragon Ball fanfiction, and it’s always been something I…

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I know, I know, smoking is bad for you. It yellows teeth, it makes your breath and hair stink, it causes cancer and other diseases, and all other manner of problems. It also looks cool as hell. That’s not an endorsement of smoking, but just an acknowledgement that some of the coolest people (see above)…

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You know, you could just NOT pay your student loans

People on the internet, or at least the small cross-section of Twitter I see on a regular basis, seem pretty upset that President Joe Biden has reneged on his pledge to cancel at least some student debt. President Biden said publicly several times that he would “knock off” at least $10,000 in student debt, and…

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