Photo by Mari Madriz on Unsplash

Why Is There a Word for That?

Defenestration means “the action of throwing someone out of a window”. Why do we need a word that means throwing someone out of a window? It seems weird to me. As someone who took Latin, the derivation is easy. It is “de” which means “out” and “fenestra” which means window. So, it’s a word meaning…

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It seems like whenever someone wins something, an award or a race or something, they say that it makes them humble. Apparently, winning gold at the Olympics is a humbling experience. I always find the statements confusing. I guess I don’t know what all those winners mean by humble. According to the internet, there are…

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Unique is one of the emptiest words in the English language. It means, as I’m sure you all know, one of a kind. Something is unique if there’s nothing else like it. The problem is everything that is is unique in some way. (There were a lot of is’s in that sentence) People are sure…

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Turns Out Knowingness Is a Word, and a Useful Word at That

Knowingness is, “a posture of always ‘already knowing’, of purporting to know the answers even before the question arises.” According to Jonathan Malesic, knowingness is a bigger problem than misinformation and echo chambers. I’m inclined to agree. Malesic makes an argument that I’ve been trying to articulate for a while now. I think I struggled…

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I just read an article by Helen Betya Rubinstein called “Against Copyediting: Is It Time to Abolish the Department of Corrections?“. It’s on the long side, but it’s a good read. The basic idea is that copyediting does more harm than good. It is so focused on making things “correct” that it acts to prop…

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