You Did Bad

Dear Boston Marathon Bombing Trial Jury, Can I call you BMBTJ?  Thanks.  You screwed up.  You had a chance to do something good, but instead you did something bad.  I understand your feelings.  I’m just disappointed that your base feelings won out over reason and goodness. I know that Tsarnaev and the government put you…

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The Death Penalty

The death penalty has been in the news a lot lately.  I read recently that Oklahoma has approved nitrogen gas as a way to kill people.  The Boston Marathon bombing trial is in its sentencing phase.  There have also been several high profile executions gone wrong.  And, of course, The Supreme Court just heard oral…

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I first became aware of libertarianism more than twenty years ago when I was in high school.  A few years later, at college, I met my first libertarians.  Rand Paul’s announcement that he will be seeking the Presidency of the United States got me thinking about it again.  I’m not going to talk about Rand…

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I hate anger.  Of all the emotions, it’s my least favorite.  I’d rather feel sad or guilty than angry.  Of course, as a human being, I do feel angry from time to time, but I’m not prone to it.  I think most people who know me know that I’m calm most of the time.  That…

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Today, as I do most everyday, I was scrolling through 3 Quarks Daily.  In case you don’t know, it’s an excellent site.  Once a week, on Monday, they have a collection of original essays.  The rest of the week, they are a high quality aggregator.  Instead of the usual headlines, they tend to feature longer works dealing with…

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Mr. Spock

I’m sure you have heard that Leonard Nimoy died.  I, like almost everyone else, will forever think of him as Mr. Spock.  And I, unlike most people, will forever think of Mr. Spock as my first philosophy teacher. Of course everyone associates Spock, and all Vulcanians (that’s what they were called in the original TV…

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Valentine's Day

I have often said that there is no thing more worthy of a holiday than love.  This, however, is not the dominant view.  Most people seem to see Valentine’s Day as the ultimate Hallmark Holiday.  People complain because they are single on Valentine’s Day or they complain because it creates obligations they don’t want.  It…

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Remakes and Reboots

I saw the final installment of Peter Jackson’s Hobbit trilogy.  Apparently (according to the credits), it is based on a novel by JRR Tolkien called The Hobbit.  I have read a book called The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien many times, but I’m struggling to find the connection.  I can only conclude that Peter Jackson and…

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