Does Grammar Matter?

I saw this question as a random Twitter poll a few days ago. The answer is obvious, but it did take me back to a time that I was working as a third grade teacher. A student had completed a writing assignment, and she wrote, “I like cats b/c they are cute.” I stopped for…

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Quick Questions: Prohibition

There are two sides to every story, or so the saying goes. The exception that proves the rule, however, is prohibition. No one ever says what the positives of prohibition were. We hear about the crime and infringement on freedoms without a counterbalance. That’s extraordinary. Even when discussing fascists, people take the time to mention…

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Our Niche

From the beginning of our blogging journey, one question that has plagued us is, “What’s your niche?” For those not terribly familiar with the world of blogging, it is divided up into niches. There’s tons of lifestyle blogs, dating blogs, sports blog, parenting blogs, and a shocking number of blogging blogs. It goes on and…

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