The White Suicide Attack Threat Will Get Much Worse

UPDATE 10/28/2020: I was wrong. President Trump is the person unifying the white supremacists and pushing them to violence. Please prepare yourselves for political violence in November and December. It’s been happening the whole time, and it will probably intensify. They are clearly planning to commit violent acts. Do what you need to in order…

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The End is Here

I didn’t think much about water until my friend started talking about it. We were sharing doomsday scenarios about the future of humanity, and I checked off the usuals- climate change, nuclear war, etc. He mentioned water, and the fact that huge swaths of the global population either does not have access to clean water…

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A Feeling That I Never Knew by Anonymous I still remember how you used to kiss me.. One kiss was never enough, You had to kiss my forehead, each cheek, my nose, and finally my lips.. That was my favorite… There was something about you… A flame in your eyes and a tenderness to your…

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