I’m Tired of This

It’s 1:59 AM. There are police cars outside of my apartment again. Their blue and red light is splashing in from beneath the blinds as my girlfriend sleeps in the room. I don’t know if she heard the six gunshots forty minutes earlier. She sleeps with earplugs to block out my monstrous snoring, so perhaps…

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Quick Thoughts on MOAB and the U.S. Military

I was listening to the Radiolab podcast yesterday, and they were discussing the history of presidential authority regarding the use of nuclear weapons (specifically, whether there was any check on the President’s authority to order a nuclear strike). Harry Truman had no idea about the atomic bomb until he became President, and the authority to…

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The Passive Voice Should Be Appreciated

The passive voice should be appreciated.  Nay, the passive voice should be celebrated.  The tyranny of the subject is perpetuated by the active voice, but it can be stopped by the passive voice.  Objects can be accentuated, highlighted, shown off by the passive voice.  Variety is created by the passive voice.  The passive voice should…

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