Mental Health and Creativity

There’s one lie/myth/misconception that I hate. It’s the idea that mental illness causes/boosts/enhances creativity. It’s common to the point of insidiousness. People think that those with mental illness are more creative than those without as if there’s some kind of causal link. This article in Aeon talks about how the connection is far from scientific…

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The Conversation Around Mental Health Is Long Overdue – And We’re Screwing It Up

I published this piece last year, shortly after the Olympics, on I’m not sure what happened, but Mentriz no longer seems to exist. So, I’m reposting it here for the time being. The past year and a half have been seemingly great for mental health advocates. Starting with the onset of the global pandemic…

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I’ve been lucky, healthwise. Like anyone else, I get sick from time to time. I’ve dealt with depression, as I’ve written about before. But I’ve basically been healthy my whole life. (I am knocking on wood as I write this.) Sometimes I’ve felt really, really bad. Depression will do that. As will the flu and…

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I know, I know, smoking is bad for you. It yellows teeth, it makes your breath and hair stink, it causes cancer and other diseases, and all other manner of problems. It also looks cool as hell. That’s not an endorsement of smoking, but just an acknowledgement that some of the coolest people (see above)…

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The political left has an anti problem. They are anti lots and lots of things: antifascism, antiracism, anticapitalism, antiwar, anticorruption, and on and on and on. All those antis are fine (although some are more fine than others), but I think they form a large part of the left’s branding problem. The right is anti…

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