Longtime readers of Nutmegger Daily may be surprised to find out we have a theme song. Even more surprising is it was made by John Legend and Stephen Colbert. It’s flattering. We didn’t know they were fans. We’re quite happy about it, though.
Some cynics may object. Sure, the song is called Nutmeg and we’re called Nutmegger Daily, but that’s a tenuous connection. And the song appears on a Christmas album. Plus, it’s older than the blog. We say, “pshaw!” to that. A look at the lyrics will show that the song was written with us in mind.
Nutmeg, sweet sweet Nutmeg
On the 25th I’m cover you with
My nutmeg, ooh, my sweet brown nutmeg
Girl, don’t make me beg
I want to nog your egg, yes I do
Opening with Nutmeg and references to Christmas (25th, eggnog) makes it obvious right off the bat. Everyone knows that, from the beginning, it has been a tradition at Nutmegger Daily to post every day in December and many (maybe most) of those posts are Christmas related. When you think of nutmeg and Christmas, our blog is top of mind.
Girl, I’m going to rock you like a cradle
You lick the nutmeg off my ladle
It’s pure, it’s refined
And it’s ready to grind
Here it becomes clear that this song lives in the realm of metaphor. There won’t be any literal rocking or grinding. He just wants to get into it. He wants to dig deep and find some truth. That’s our specialty.
It’s my nutmeg, you need my nutmeg
I’ll sprinkle your Christmas cream with my spice supreme
A quick recap of the beginning. Just in case anyone forgot the obvious connection with our blog.
What about allspice?
You know it leaves me cold as ice
Don’t even think of putting that stuff in
That won’t let me drop my love bomb
Allspice, cinnamon, and cardamon? Clearly, he is talking about other blogs. Recipe blogging is super popular. But none of the others do it for him. It’s Nutmegger or nothing.
No cocoa, no cloves, no vanilla, no mace
The only residue I want you wiping off your face is my nutmeg
Ooh ooh ooh, nutmeg
You’ll be happy that you ate it, yes you will
So just grab my seed and grate it
It’s my nutmeg, my nutmeg
Na na na na na na na, nutmeg, ooh my nutmeg
This is where it all comes together. The whole song is an extended metaphor. To put it in standard Twitter parlance (Where John Legend’s wife is a big-time influencer (not a coincidence)), sex is great, but have you ever visited Nutmegger Daily?
If that’s not convincing, we can’t help you. Thanks to John and Stephen (Can we call you John and Stephen?). It’s an honor to have our own theme song. If you’re ready to grind, stop by and interact.
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