Holiday Cards

I get at least two holiday cards every year. And I get no more than three holiday cards every year. I get one from my parents. Each year it has a picture of my kid, my niece, and my nephew. I get one from my friend, whom I wrote about in this post. That one changes every year. I used to get a Chanukkah card from a family in my kid’s daycare when my kid was in daycare. We haven’t spoken in years, though, and I stopped getting a card from them. The past two years, I’ve gotten a card from my girlfriend. That brings me back up to three.

I like getting the cards I get. I told my friend, when I got hers, that it was a bright spot in my day. And it really was. It feels nice that someone thought of me.

I wouldn’t object to getting more cards, but there’s a problem. I don’t send cards out myself. Holiday cards are usually a reciprocal thing. If I want more cards, I should be sending cards of my own. I’m not sure why I don’t. It seems like the kind of Christmas tradition I’d get into.

It looks like I’ll just have to be thankful for and content with the two to three cards I get even without reciprocation.

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