
I just finished shoveling my driveway and I have to say, I love snow.  It should snow every day.  It’s strange.  Shoveling is more work than most household chores, but I kind of like doing it.  It’s definitely my favorite chore.  There’s a real sense of satisfaction when it’s done.  When you finish the laundry…

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For the first time in my life, I’m an undecided voter.  I always wondered about undecided voters.  They are talked about every election, but, until now, I don’t think I’ve ever seen one.  I’ve always wondered what they are like and what makes them undecided.  Is there something wrong with them?  Are they not paying attention? …

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Recognizing Sexism – Hillary Clinton Edition

There has been something disturbing about the 2016 presidential election.  I should probably be more specific.  There have been a lot of disturbing things about the 2016 presidential election.  For right now, though, I’m thinking of one thing in particular.  That thing is the fact that so many people are failing to notice the rampant…

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In Praise of Rodents

Rodents have a bad rap and it’s totally undeserved.  When people think of rodents, they always think of mice and rats.  In fact, there are tons of rodents.  According to Wikipedia, 40% of all mammals are rodents.  Most of them, even the mice and rats, are really extraordinary creatures.  Beavers are rodents.  They can cut…

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February is my favorite month.  I don’t exactly know why.  My birthday is in February, but I don’t think that’s it.  When I notice my birthday, it tends to be because something went awry.  Either I’m sick and spend the day complaining about being sick on my birthday.  Or the person who decides to take…

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In the lead up to the new Star Wars movie, there has been a lot of talk about canon.  Disney made a big deal out of the fact that the six movies and The Clone Wars are the only pre-Disney cannon.  Everything from the Expanded Universe (Novels, comic books, etc.), all of the TV specials and…

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Americans don’t think in terms of coalitions. That’s one of the quirks of our separately elected executive. Parliamentary countries talk about coalitions all the time. I don’t want to say that parliamentary systems are better than the American system, they both have their positives and negatives, but I do think that the US would benefit…

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