Labor Day

I look forward to Labor Day every year.  It’s the unofficial end of summer, and I don’t like summer.  It means the US Open is happening, and I love the US Open.  It means the baseball pennant races are heating up, and I love baseball.  It means a day off of work.  I didn’t always…

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The US Open

For anyone who doesn’t pay attention to tennis, the US Open starts today.  This is looking to be a great tournament.  Serena Williams is trying to win a Grand Slam (again, for anyone who doesn’t follow tennis, that is winning all four majors in a calendar year).  If she does it, it will be the…

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Jimmy Fund Radio Telethon

The 14th annual WEEI/NESN Jimmy Fund Radio-Telethon starts Tuesday, August 18th and runs through Wednesday, August 19th.  As an avid Red Sox fan, I have watched and/or listened to all 13 of the previous efforts.  It is truly extraordinary what they manage in two days.  Last year they raised $3.3 million and they have raised more…

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It’s been a long time since I posted anything here. This has been a crazy and draining summer. I haven’t really had the energy to do anything. It might not seem like it, but writing, even silly 500 word posts, requires a decent amount of energy. Since what little energy I have is going to…

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