That's Not Lemonade* – Part Three of My Medical Drama
The last test I had to do (for now) to try to figure out what is wrong with me was a twenty-four hour urine test, because it’s important that patients are allowed to maintain their dignity. In case you don’t know, a twenty-four hour urine test is exactly what it sounds like. Instead of the…
My Continuing Medical Saga
Yesterday I went to my doctor for a follow-up to my ER visit. The good news is that all of the tests done in the ER came out fine. The EKG, the blood work, the blood pressure and blood sugar were all normal. So, whatever is going on with me, most likely, has nothing to…
What I Learned Yesterday
I spent about seven hours in the emergency room yesterday. That made for a very uncomfortable and boring day. There is one upside, though. I learned something. Before I tell you what I learned, I think some background will help. I throw up a lot. I always have. Whenever I get sick, it messes up…
The US Open
For anyone who doesn’t pay attention to tennis, the US Open starts today. This is looking to be a great tournament. Serena Williams is trying to win a Grand Slam (again, for anyone who doesn’t follow tennis, that is winning all four majors in a calendar year). If she does it, it will be the…
A Quick Thought On A Couple Of Old Movies
I have always liked movies. Really the only complaint I have about having a kid is that after she was born, I went about two years without seeing any movies. Even now, I rarely see movies, but, thanks to TV and Netflix, I’m starting to catch up on all the movies I’ve missed. And I’m…
Some Things I Don't Understand
There are some things that people say that I simply do not understand. I would love it if someone could explain them to me. Babies prefer people who look like them. Do babies know what they look like? I know I didn’t give my daughter a mirror first thing. Did I do something wrong? Besides,…
Jimmy Fund Radio Telethon
The 14th annual WEEI/NESN Jimmy Fund Radio-Telethon starts Tuesday, August 18th and runs through Wednesday, August 19th. As an avid Red Sox fan, I have watched and/or listened to all 13 of the previous efforts. It is truly extraordinary what they manage in two days. Last year they raised $3.3 million and they have raised more…
It’s been a long time since I posted anything here. This has been a crazy and draining summer. I haven’t really had the energy to do anything. It might not seem like it, but writing, even silly 500 word posts, requires a decent amount of energy. Since what little energy I have is going to…
The All Star Break
Here we are at the All Star Break for the 2015 Major League Baseball season. I hate the All Star Break. It basically means three or four days without baseball. Sure there’s the All Star Game itself, but it’s not a real game. I might have wanted to watch this year if eight Royals had…