
Do you ever wonder how something becomes a Thing? I wonder about it all the time. How did knock, knock jokes become a Thing? Can you imagine the first person to tell a knock, knock joke? “I’m going to say, ‘Knock, knock,’ and you say, ‘Who’s there?’ OK?” “Why?” “You’ll see.  Just do it.” “But…

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Remakes and Reboots

I saw the final installment of Peter Jackson’s Hobbit trilogy.  Apparently (according to the credits), it is based on a novel by JRR Tolkien called The Hobbit.  I have read a book called The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien many times, but I’m struggling to find the connection.  I can only conclude that Peter Jackson and…

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Derek Jeter Is the Cover Model for the 2015 SI Swimsuit Issue

The title of this piece is not accurate.  Hannah Davis is the cover model for the 2015 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.  But every single headline I saw lead with Derek Jeter, look at Yahoo!, CBS Detroit, and the Huffington Post.  In other news, Pierre Curie’s wife won the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics.  Oh, and…

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