A Look at ‘The Sunny Nihilist: A Declaration of the Pleasure of Pointlessness’ by Wendy Syfret

Not long ago, I bought a copy of The Sunny Nihilist: A Declaration of the Pleasure of Pointlessness. I’d been browsing at my local Barnes & Noble in the philosophy section, when I ran across it. The cover caught my eye, and the title promised a view which I’m sympathetic to. I’d never heard of…

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Turns Out Knowingness Is a Word, and a Useful Word at That

Knowingness is, “a posture of always ‘already knowing’, of purporting to know the answers even before the question arises.” According to Jonathan Malesic, knowingness is a bigger problem than misinformation and echo chambers. I’m inclined to agree. Malesic makes an argument that I’ve been trying to articulate for a while now. I think I struggled…

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I Don’t Have Much to Say about the Recent Bank Failures, but They Give Me an Opportunity to Rant a Little

It’s funny, when I first heard about Silicon Valley Bank’s failure, my initial reaction was, “Good.” Then, when Signature Bank failed, I also thought to myself, “Good.” And, when it looked like Credit Suisse was about to fail, I said, “Good.” Of course, the Swiss arranged for Credit Suisse to be absorbed by UBS creating…

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