Something That Bugs Me

You’ve probably heard people say things like the sun isn’t really yellow or the sky and ocean are not really blue. You might have heard that polar bears aren’t really white. Heck, pink doesn’t even exist. Oh, and the night sky isn’t black. There are probably more examples that I can’t think of right now….

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I just read an article by Helen Betya Rubinstein called “Against Copyediting: Is It Time to Abolish the Department of Corrections?“. It’s on the long side, but it’s a good read. The basic idea is that copyediting does more harm than good. It is so focused on making things “correct” that it acts to prop…

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Does God Exist? – The Least Interesting Question Ever

Why are people always asking whether or not God exists? I’m tired of it. It is an unanswerable question. If there were empirical evidence, the evidenced entity would not be God, at least not in any recognizable sense. That’s why faith is central to religious belief.  The funny thing is, the question of God’s existence is not important…

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Most quotes from famous people about writing describe it as a grueling, joyless experience. I don’t like those quotes because I fear that they discourage people from trying to write themselves. I also find them somewhat annoying- if writing is so awful, why are these people doing it? There is one that does speak to…

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A Missed Opportunity

China and Japan have been in the news recently for the same reason. They both have shrinking, and aging, populations. The reactions of both countries have been similar, too. They are looking for ways to increase their populations. Since neither country is immigration friendly, they are trying to do it through increased births. China’s population…

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