Classified Documents

The classified documents found at Mar-a-Lago and Biden’s Delaware residence have been all over the news lately. It’s the kind of story I usually try to avoid. It’s too depressing to read about how full of idiots our government is. But the headlines have been everywhere, so I have questions. Maybe someone following the story…

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Brain Disorders

There was an article at called “Mental disorders are brain disorders“. The thesis is that thinking of mental disorders as a separate category from other physical disorders is hindering patient care. The author, Christian Jarrett, says that many people don’t think so because the causes of mental disorders are “outside the body.” Then, he…

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Things That I Don’t Understand

There are lots of things that I don’t understand.  In this post, I’m thinking about the everyday, mundane things that I don’t understand.  I’m not talking about things like genetic engineering.  That is something I don’t understand, but it is also something that I never encounter and have no reason to understand.  These are things…

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Repenters, Repressors, and PoC Intelligentsia

Liam Kofi Bright wrote a fascinating article called “White Psycodrama”. (Available here: White Psychodrama Final Version ( In it, he describes three archetypes involved in the culture wars: Repenters, Repressors, and PoC Intelligentsia. He argues that the culture wars make us all worse and that the only way to improve things is to opt out…

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