Depressive Nostalgia

Depression has made me nostalgic, and not in a good way.  As far as I can remember, I’m not normally the nostalgic type.  The past is the past.  Some of it was fun, some of it wasn’t.  Either way, I don’t dwell on it.  Or I didn’t dwell on it.  Lately, I spend an awful…

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B.B. King

The first time I saw B.B. King perform live was 1992 or 1993.  I’m pretty sure it was my senior year of high school, but I don’t remember which side.  Before I went, a guy that I worked with told me that seeing B.B. is, “like going to church.”  I didn’t really understand what he…

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Basic Life Skills

There are certain basic life skills everyone should have. It’s one of the major failures of our educational system that many people lack them. What’s worse is that most people are never offered the opportunity to learn these skills in school. This list is far from complete, but it’s a start. 1. Sewing – I’m…

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Doctor Visits

I had my annual physical yesterday. That’s not normally a huge deal. I mean, I get a little freaked out every year, but that’s only because I’m utterly terrified of all things medical. I’m told I suffer from Vasovagal Syncope, which is, “Fainting resulting from certain stressful triggers which lead to sudden drop in blood…

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An Odd Complaint

I was talking to my brother the other night. He was telling me about a podcast he had listened to where the woman who talks about music always makes the same complaint when she doesn’t like something. She says it’s too simple. Ironically, she loves Bruce Springsteen, and it doesn’t get much simpler than Springsteen’s…

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The political left has an anti problem. They are anti lots and lots of things: antifascism, antiracism, anticapitalism, antiwar, anticorruption, and on and on and on. All those antis are fine (although some are more fine than others), but I think they form a large part of the left’s branding problem. The right is anti…

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