Academic Language and Barriers

I work at a college where I manage the school’s curriculum. As part of my job, I have to review and correct spelling errors in course descriptions, which led me to come across a few courses which completely baffled me. The first course description reads: In this course, we will engage in intensive embodied research…

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So What Happens if Donald Trump Doesn’t Concede in 2020?

When I learned that Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon after he resigned, I was angry. It seemed like a very clear example of the powerful and politically connected getting off without punishment. The Mueller investigation of President Trump has given me an occasion to think more about that decision, and where we find ourselves politically…

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The MLB Postseason

October is the best.  The weather is beautiful.  The leaves change colors.  And, most importantly, the baseball playoffs happen. The hard part for the casual fan, or the fan whose team didn’t make it, is deciding which team to root for.  As someone who watches a lot of baseball, I think I can help.  This…

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What Concerns Me About Coronavirus? The Long Term

Obviously, the immediate concern regarding the coronavirus is preventing deaths right now. As I wrote in another piece though, it concerns me that the general approach to the coronavirus has been essentially week-to-week. Warnings about the virus came as early as last November, so there are few excuses for why we were so unprepared. Better…

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Christmas Day

Today was the big day.  After a month of prepping, Christmas finally happened.  It went well.  Santa was overly generous to my daughter.  So were her grandparents.  She had a great day overall.  One of the strange things since my divorce (or at least one thing I didn’t expect) is that I feel a lot…

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Is It Any Wonder There Are So Many Anti-Maskers and Anti-Vaxxers?

The CDC changed their COVID guidelines again. Now, if a person is asymptomatic after testing positive, they only need to isolate for five days instead of ten. Of course, this happens as the headlines are screaming about record setting infection rates. This is quite typical of how the pandemic has been handled from the beginning….

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You know, you could just NOT pay your student loans

People on the internet, or at least the small cross-section of Twitter I see on a regular basis, seem pretty upset that President Joe Biden has reneged on his pledge to cancel at least some student debt. President Biden said publicly several times that he would “knock off” at least $10,000 in student debt, and…

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