There’s Just No Word For It

According to the internet, there is no word in the English language for hating to be photographed.  That really surprises me.  It seems like such a common thing, how can there be no word for it?  I know I suffer from this affliction.  But every time I talk about it, I just say I hate…

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Has Donald Trump Ruined The Star-Spangled Banner

A guest post from my mom, Maryann Glotzer: I went to The Hartford Symphony concert Saturday night. It was wonderful featuring some classics and some new music and instruments I’d never seen before. To celebrate some newly minted citizens, including Director Carolyn Kuan, the concert started with The Star-Spangled Banner. I automatically stood as I…

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So About Dragon Ball Super Episodes 109 & 110…

  I wrote just a few weeks ago about how Kale’s sudden ability to control her Berserker Super Saiyan form was symptomatic of DBS’ main problem, that transformations and power have become untethered from any grounding in the reality of the show’s universe. Power just happens, and the relationships between characters and their relative strength…

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Tom Petty

Tom Petty holds a very special place in my musical life.  I have been music obsessed ever since I can remember.  However, I have almost never liked popular music at the time of it’s popularity.  I love a lot of popular music, like the Beatles and the Stones, Motown and Aretha.  But all of them peaked in…

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The MLB Postseason

October is the best.  The weather is beautiful.  The leaves change colors.  And, most importantly, the baseball playoffs happen. The hard part for the casual fan, or the fan whose team didn’t make it, is deciding which team to root for.  As someone who watches a lot of baseball, I think I can help.  This…

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The Saddest Song

Peter, Paul & Mary’s “Puff the Magic Dragon” is the saddest song.  It’s a wonderful song, but it is just so sad.  If sad songs really say so much, it says more than any other song. I’m not sure when I realized just how sad the song is.  It’s a song I’ve known my whole…

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The [SPOILERS] is the Perfect Metaphor for Disney’s Poor Approach to Star Wars

This post contains one minor spoiler for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. You have been warned! Force Friday II saw several reveals of new merchandise related to December’s premiere of The Last Jedi. Among the new toys and games was a spoiler for Supreme Leader Snoke’s ship. According to a story published by Polygon, Snoke’s ship…

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