A Difficult Question

I’ve been asked whether I’ve thought about hurting myself a lot in the last six or seven months, always by medical professionals.  The short answer is no, I haven’t thought about it.  And that’s the honest answer for why I’m being asked.  They want to know if I’m a suicide risk, and I am not suicidal. …

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Getting Better

I think I’m doing a bit better than I was as far as my depression is concerned.  I’m certainly not great, nor am I where I want to be, but things seem better.  It’s another funny thing about depression.  It’s really hard to tell whether I’m better or not. I feel like I need a…

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Knowledge Without Belief

Since at least the time of Plato, people have generally accepted that knowledge is justified true belief.  Sure there are some who disagree by raising Gettier Problems or denying the possibility of knowledge, but for most people, most of the time, justified true belief is knowledge.  Lately, though, I’ve been questioning that definition.  It sure seems like…

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Back, Into The Light (Part 1)

I’ve wanted to try writing fantasy again, and I’ve also wanted to write a serialized story. So here it is, my serialized fantasy story! Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Without further ado, onto Part 1! Back, Into The Light (Part 1) “Tell me a secret. Something you’ve never told anyone.” Even when he whispered, the gravelly heaviness…

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