The Passive Voice Should Be Appreciated

The passive voice should be appreciated.  Nay, the passive voice should be celebrated.  The tyranny of the subject is perpetuated by the active voice, but it can be stopped by the passive voice.  Objects can be accentuated, highlighted, shown off by the passive voice.  Variety is created by the passive voice.  The passive voice should…

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There is a stigma attached to mental illness.  I think virtually everyone knows it.  I also think that most will say that there should not be a stigma attached to mental illness.  Stigmas are tough to shake, though.  I don’t know that I have any answers to this problem, but I’m trying to tell myself…

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I’m Scared

As of January 20, 2017, Donald Trump is the President of the United States of America.  To say I’m scared is an understatement.  I’m terrified.  Our country has had stupid presidents.  We’ve had incompetent presidents.  We’ve had evil presidents.  This is the first time we’ve had all three in one president.  That would be bad enough,…

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Writer’s Block

I know it’s distastefully ironic to write about writer’s block.  At least I’ve thought so since college.  I was taking a writing class, and we had to read a general audience book about writing.  I chose one called “On Writer’s Block” mostly because it was what I saw when I went to the bookstore.  It…

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Princess Leia

Carrie Fisher died today.  I wasn’t going to write about it.  Even though I’m a huge Star Wars fan, I figured there were tons of pieces being written by better, more knowledgeable writers.  What could I add?  But, as I was reading many of these pieces this afternoon, I realized something.  I seem to be…

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