The Children in the Folders

The most important moment of Dr. Robert Putnam’s presentation “Closing the Opportunity Gap” on July 21st at the Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts came after he’d already offered his conclusion. During the question and answer session, an audience member asked Dr. Putnam about former presidential candidate Bernie Sander’s plan to make college free. The…

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I’m sure anyone who’s into Star Wars, and many people who aren’t, know of Kenny Baker’s passing.  I am about as big a Star Wars fan as a person can be.  What is now known as Episode IV was the first movie I ever saw.  If you’d like, I can recite the originally trilogy word…

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Amazing Performers, Amazing Work in Breakdancing Shakespeare

I’d never seen Romeo hit a B-Boy stance until I entered the practice studio for the Hartford Stage. The unique combination of hip-hop inspired breakdancing and the Bard’s lyrical language are the core of the Hartford Stage’s Breakdancing Shakespeare program. As a celebration of its ten year anniversary, the program is going back to the…

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An After Dinner Drink

                Gail had finished her dinner, but, like always, her father still had food on his plate.  She always got a head start as he never had everything ready when he thought he did.                 “Can I be excused, Daddy?”                 “Don’t you want to stay and talk?”                 “Ugh.  Okay.”                 “That’s not very…

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A few years ago, I was waiting for the bus on the corner of Main and Arch Street to go to class. A young woman approached. She wore a colorful headwrap, and was pushing her child in a stroller, a boy who looked to be a little over a year old. One of her eyes…

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