Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

Is Resistance Futile?

In Star Trek, the Borg have a saying, “Resistance is futile.” No exclamation point, they say it matter-of-factly. The Borg are a cold, calculating collective. They care nothing for individual life, species, or civilizations. Their goal is to extract whatever they can from whomever they meet and move on to the next victim. They are…

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Am I the Only One Bothered By This – Impeachment Edition

Trump’s second impeachment trial is currently happening in the Senate. I feel like I should be paying attention, but I can’t. I’m just so fatigued from the last four or five years. He’s not president anymore, I’d like to never think about him again. In some vague way, I hope he’s convicted. He’s obviously guilty,…

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I’m Scared

As of January 20, 2017, Donald Trump is the President of the United States of America.  To say I’m scared is an understatement.  I’m terrified.  Our country has had stupid presidents.  We’ve had incompetent presidents.  We’ve had evil presidents.  This is the first time we’ve had all three in one president.  That would be bad enough,…

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Old News – Volume 2

On October 24th, 2014, there were at least two shootings in America.  One involved high school students in Washington and the other involved police officers in California.  Shootings like these have become so common that they don’t even steal the headlines in the news cycle.  These two incidents were right alongside stories about the Ebola…

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Old News – Volume One

With everything happening in Ferguson, MO, I wanted to take a few minutes to write about Trayvon Martin.  I know, that’s over.  Everyone else is writing and talking about Ferguson.  But there are two things I firmly believe.  The first is that it is almost impossible to talk about current events beyond the physical facts.  Who,…

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