Birthday Blues

Last year, I had an amazingly bad birthday. I contracted Lyme disease just before my birthday and started the antibiotic regimen on my birthday. Plus, I got the flu. So I spent my last birthday in bed with Lyme disease and the flu. It was at least as miserable as it sounds. This year was…

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I was surprised when I first started seeing a therapist.  The experience was completely different than I expected.  That’s a little bit odd given how many therapists there are.  It appears to be a booming business, which must mean that many people go to see therapists.  But what actually happens in therapy remains a closely…

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Getting Better

I think I’m doing a bit better than I was as far as my depression is concerned.  I’m certainly not great, nor am I where I want to be, but things seem better.  It’s another funny thing about depression.  It’s really hard to tell whether I’m better or not. I feel like I need a…

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Knowledge Without Belief

Since at least the time of Plato, people have generally accepted that knowledge is justified true belief.  Sure there are some who disagree by raising Gettier Problems or denying the possibility of knowledge, but for most people, most of the time, justified true belief is knowledge.  Lately, though, I’ve been questioning that definition.  It sure seems like…

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There is a stigma attached to mental illness.  I think virtually everyone knows it.  I also think that most will say that there should not be a stigma attached to mental illness.  Stigmas are tough to shake, though.  I don’t know that I have any answers to this problem, but I’m trying to tell myself…

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Writer’s Block

I know it’s distastefully ironic to write about writer’s block.  At least I’ve thought so since college.  I was taking a writing class, and we had to read a general audience book about writing.  I chose one called “On Writer’s Block” mostly because it was what I saw when I went to the bookstore.  It…

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