A Paucity of Words – Loneliness

I’m lonely. I don’t know how much of it is depression, how much is the divorce and how much is actually being alone (although I rarely seem to be alone, so my guess is it’s the first two), but I suppose it doesn’t really matter. Whatever the cause, I am lonely. It feels different from other…

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I’m So Tired

I’ve never been a good sleeper.  I’m quite jealous of those who are.  I’ve been this way as long as I can remember, and, according to my parents, it was the case before that.  Sleeping is just not a talent I was born with, nor is it a skill I’ve been able to develop.  Naturally, depression…

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The Silence of Sounds

One of the oddest effects of depression is being unable to enjoy things that I know are enjoyable.  For me, that is most noticeable with music.  I am completely obsessed with music and have been ever since I can remember.  I have a huge record collection.  I go to shows whenever I can.  I play…

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