Something Is Bothering Me

There’s something that’s been bothering me about this primary season on the Democrat’s side.  Whenever I read something written by a Hillary Clinton supporter, they always seem to say that they like Bernie Sanders and then go on to say why they like Clinton better.  But, whenever I read something written by a Bernie Sanders…

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For the first time in my life, I’m an undecided voter.  I always wondered about undecided voters.  They are talked about every election, but, until now, I don’t think I’ve ever seen one.  I’ve always wondered what they are like and what makes them undecided.  Is there something wrong with them?  Are they not paying attention? …

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Recognizing Sexism – Hillary Clinton Edition

There has been something disturbing about the 2016 presidential election.  I should probably be more specific.  There have been a lot of disturbing things about the 2016 presidential election.  For right now, though, I’m thinking of one thing in particular.  That thing is the fact that so many people are failing to notice the rampant…

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A friend of mine posted a piece recently called “Don’t Vote or Die“.  When I saw it, I posted some comments disagreeing with a few of his points.  Since then, a lot of my friends have been making comments about not voting in the upcoming election.  Every time I hear them, I think of this…

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