My Mental Health Journey Through an Intensive Outpatient Program – Part 5

Day four of my IOP is in the books. Today was just OK. Not through any fault of the program. It was my own fault. Well, not really my fault, it would be wrong to assign blame. I slept terribly last night. If I could control that, I would take the blame, but I can’t…

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My Mental Health Journey Through an Intensive Outpatient Program – Part 1

Recently I’ve been having suicidal ideations. It’s scared the crap out of me. I want it to stop. Since it’s not stopping, though, my therapist recommended an intensive outpatient program (IOP). I agreed. I want to document my experiences in the program. I think it will help me to make sense of what’s happening. Today…

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In an Interview with NPR, John Fetterman Advances the Mental Health Conversation

Pennsylvania senator, John Fetterman, recently spent six weeks in the hospital battling depression. He is finally feeling better and now he’s talking about his experience. He did an interview with NPR about his depression and recovery, John Fetterman speaks about depression after returning to the Senate : NPR. I’m sorry that Fetterman had to go…

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Prioritizing Mental Wellness in the Mental Health Field Is Nice in Theory, but Can It Work?

I’ve read a lot of articles lately (here’s one) that say that preventing mental illness would be better than treating mental illness. The way these authors want to do that is by promoting wellness. The theory is that we shouldn’t wait until people are sick to intervene. There should be more of a focus on…

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Relational-Intersubjective Therapy: Ho-hum or a Breakthrough Upending Mind/Body Dualism?

Aeon ran an article by James Barnes called “The space between us“. Its subtitle is “In order to understand and heal mental distress, we must see our minds as existing in relationships, not inside our heads”. Barnes presents what he calls a relational-intersubjective paradigm as nothing less than a revolution in therapy. I disagree and…

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The Mental Health Crisis: Can School Help Prevent Mental Illness?

Louie Lang wrote an article in Phlexible Philosophy entitled “An Education Based on Happiness” (Full disclosure, I also write for Phlexible Philosophy.). The premise is that we need a shift of emphasis in education away from career-oriented education and towards a happiness education. That will go a long way towards stopping the mental health crisis….

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