Pushing Through

One of the hardest parts about dealing with a mental health condition is that the world doesn’t stop to give you time to get better. That means, in large part because so many people don’t understand mental illness, there’s a lot of pressure to continue living your life as close to normally as you can….

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Anxiety Screenings in Children Eight and Up

The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force is recommending anxiety screenings for kids as talked about here: Why a US task force is recommending anxiety screening in kids 8 and older (theconversation.com). I think this is a wonderful idea. I have one hesitation which I’ll get to, but this is mostly a huge step towards acknowledging…

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I use prescription medication to help treat my depression. I find medication may be the most poorly understood subtopic in the mental health conversation. On some level, that’s totally natural. Most of us don’t know enough chemistry and biology to understand even the basics of what the drugs do and how they work. We are…

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