
In my ongoing quest to catalogue my entire record collection, I just finished all of my Country albums. I have a grand total of forty-nine Country albums. That’s actually more than I expected. It means I have more Country than I do Gospel, and I like Gospel much better. I don’t have too much to…

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Music Genres

I’ve always had a bit of a problem separating things like music by genres. In a recent piece I wrote, I made the statement, “I tend to think of all worthwhile American music as being a type of blues.”* I knew when I typed it that the statement would bother some people. People have a…

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Christmas Soul Special

At this time, I want to bring your attention to something shameful.  The album Christmas Soul Special is rare.  Apparently we live in a world where people either don’t know about it or they don’t want to hear it.  I really hope it’s that they don’t know about it.  Ignorance isn’t a good excuse, but…

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Live Music

I took my daughter to see The Nutcracker.  It was fun.  I know next to nothing about dance, but from my perspective, they did a nice job.  Yet I didn’t enjoy it as much as other productions I’ve seen because there were no live musicians.  The company was dancing to a recording.  I found that to…

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The Silence of Sounds

One of the oddest effects of depression is being unable to enjoy things that I know are enjoyable.  For me, that is most noticeable with music.  I am completely obsessed with music and have been ever since I can remember.  I have a huge record collection.  I go to shows whenever I can.  I play…

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