Don’t Watch The Debate, Please

The second Presidential debate is tonight and I implore you, please do not watch it.  There is literally nothing to be gained by watching.  But, that’s true of every presidential debate.  This debate is different, though.  There is a moral obligation to avoid watching tonight.  You see, there is simply no debate about who you should vote…

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Another Political Fantasy

Apparently, I’ve been living in a fantasy world lately.  The fantasy that I want to share this time is quite unrealistic.  It is like hoping that we elect a wise unicorn to the presidency.  It simply cannot happen.  So, if I were getting paid to philosophize, I’d call this a thought experiment.  But, since no…

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One More Try

For some reason, many (not all) people are either unable or unwilling to see the sexism being directed at Hillary Clinton this primary season.  I know I’ve been going on about this, but I thought I’d give it one more try.  But, this time I’m going to go about it differently.  I’m going to provide…

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