A Not So Fun Day

I spent all afternoon and evening today at the vet. I got home from work and my cat didn’t greet me at the door like he normally does. Then, I noticed that his food from the morning was still in his dish. That’s really unusual. I went looking for him and found him right where he was when I left for work. I’m not sure he moved all day. So, I took him to the emergency vet.

It turns out I got there just in time. I only waited about three and a half hours. People who got there after I did were being told it could be up to eight hours. Apparently tonight was the night to have a pet emergency. The place was packed. It was mostly cats and dogs, but there was one duck. I thought that was kind of interesting.

I wanted to keep my posting streak alive, but I was occupied all day and didn’t really get a chance to think about it until now. So, this is what you get. An excuse. I hope to do better tomorrow.

4 thoughts on “A Not So Fun Day

  1. But…..how is the cat? Or are you still trapped there? It’s not a good place when it’s full. Hope you and kitty are both ok.

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